Hero shallow for education

For education

We believe in the potential of every child and young person and understand the power of creativity to unlock this potential.

We work with schools and education partners to understand their needs, working together to create projects and opportunities that are meaningful to their settings. We are passionate about creating opportunities for children and young people that enable them to gain access to live projects, performance opportunities and work with industry professionals.

We can also attend careers fairs and visit school for talks and practical sessions to enable students to learn more about the options available to them. Or talk to you about how to provide opportunities for students with Pupil Premium funding.

Please contact thepoint@eastleigh.gov.uk to start a conversation with us about how we could work with your setting.

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Work Experience

Our industry led Work Experience programme provides an invaluable experience to support four Year 10 students in exploring creative careers. The programme allows participants to learn insights behind all aspects of running a professional theatre. During the week, the team will meet artists and Point staff. 

"I really enjoyed the whole week and learning about different aspects of theatre" - (Previous Work Experience Participant) 

Why apply for work experience at The Point? 

Taking part in work experience at The Point, is a great opportunity to work with a professional arts venue team for a week. You will get to meet staff and industry experts to gain insight about different job roles within the arts sector. 

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What happens during the Work Experience week?

Participants can expect to meet professionals from The Point and The Berry Theatre team and explore various aspects of their jobs, including:

  • Front of House / Duty Manager
  • Marketing
  • Theatre Technician
  • Theatre Programmer

The location of the work experience week will be at The Point, Eastleigh.

We can offer a place for five students from different schools.

Please note: In order to empower young people to take the first step in their careers and to give them valuable experience of communicating with potential employers, we require that those applying do so themselves.

We understand that some applicants may need additional support to complete the form and we ask that you make the reasons for this clear within your application. We request that a parent/guardian completes the last section of the form and is copied into all email correspondence.

Educational Group Bookings

We offer discounted ticket prices for groups of 10 or more on selected shows, with free teacher tickets included in your booking.

To enquire about a group booking please email us at groupbookings@eastleigh.gov.uk or call our friendly box office team on 023 8065 2333.